Michael Brinkschröder

Dr. Michael Brinkschröder, born in 1967, is a Roman Catholic theologian and sociologist living in Munich. He initiated the AG Schwule Theologie (Gay Theology Study Group) in 1991 and was editor of the journal Werkstatt Schwule Theologie. In 2002, he co-founded the katholischen queer Gottesdienst (Catholic Queer Service Community) in Munich and in 2011 the Katholische LSBT+ Komitee (Catholic LGBT+ Committee). From 2011–2015, he was Co-President of the European Forum of LGBT Christian Groups and afterwards Co-Chair of the Global Network of Rainbow Catholics. He belongs to #OutInChurch and is responsible for LGBTI Ministry in the Archdiocese of Munich and Freising.

Together with Misza Czerniak (Misha Cherniak) and Olga Gerassimenko he made the book For I Am Wonderfully Made, which is also translated into Russian.

The books

Cover For I Am Wonderfully MadeCover Russische editie van Cover For I Am Wonderfully Made