Randi O. Solberg

Randi O. Solberg (Norway 1963) holds a Master of Science degree in Business and worked with marketing and management in a Norwegian life insurance company for eight years.

After studying journalism, she has been working as a freelance journalist and writer and has done research/information work for different Norwegian organisations. She has published articles in newspapers, magazines and anthologies in Norway, Germany, The Netherlands and the USA, and she has been giving lectures and workshops in Europe, Canada, the USA and South America.

In the period 2004-2006 she was the female co-president of the European Forum of LGBT Christian Groups. In the years 2005-2008 she has been the director of Safe Space, the European Forum’s training course in theological argumentation for LGBT human rights workers in Eastern Europe.

After having lived for a year in New York and eight years in Germany, she is currently living in Norway and working for Likestillings- og diskrimineringsombudet, the Norwegian Equality and anti-discrimination Ombudsman.

Randi is editor of the book Let Our Voices Be Heard!. This book was original published in English and then translated into German. As Hear our voices! a selection was published in English and translated into several languages.

The books

Cover Let Our Voices Be Haerd!Cover Que(e)r durch EuropaCover Écoutez-nous !Cover Hoor onze stem!CoverCoverCover Russische editie Hear our voices!Cover Hear our voices!Cover Hört unsere Stimme!