Olga Gerassimenko

Olga Gerassimenko is a narrative practitioner, community work activist, member of the civil movement Thank you, but my traditional family does not need protection (Estonia), editor, and teacher. She holds a master degree in General Linguistics from the University of Tartu, and has participated in editing several books on social faith issues in Russian:

  • Grace, Care, and Justice on church counselling in the context of hiv and aids
  • Homosexuality and Christianity in the Twenty-First Century on churches’ attitudes in contemporary Russia
  • The Russian edition of Hear Our Voices with stories of lbt women in European churches.

Together with Misza Czerniak (Misha Cherniak) and Michael Brinkschröder she made the book For I Am Wonderfully Made, which was also translated into Russian.

The books

Cover For I Am Wonderfully MadeCover Russische editie van For I Am Wonderfully MadeCover Russische editie van Hear Our Vocies